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Northeast Seattle Little League

AAA - Nationals

AAA is a competitive division with thrice-a-week games (usually 16-18 total), player assessments, a draft, scores, standings and playoffs.  Games are usually played on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.  AAA is an instructional league designed to prepare players for the Majors division.  It is similar to AA with the following exceptions:

  • Registration CLOSES in early February 
  • Age 10 players will be drafted onto a AAA team unless a parent requests that they be considered for the Majors draft.
  • Age 11 players may be drafted onto either a Majors team or AAA team unless a parent requests they only be considered for the AAA draft.
  • ALL kids in the AAA Division must attend at least one Assessment.
  • Coaches will notify team members with a direct call to the player after the draft
  • Practices start in late February 
  • Games start in late March 
  • Players are older — the vast majority of players age 10 or 11 as of August 31 (click here for the Little League age calculator)
  • Unlimited stealing is permitted (although still no leading off).
  • In very rare cases, twelve-year olds are permitted to play (but never pitch) provided they obtain waivers from both the NESLL Board of Directors and the District 8 Little League Administrator.
  • The All-Star experience begins.  Parents should be aware of what All-Stars are at this point and what this means for the future of your kid playing in The Little League World Series as a 11 or 12 old.
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