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Northeast Seattle Little League





Beginning at age nine (9), NESLL assigns baseball players to teams via a player selection draft. Before the season starts, players participate in a skills evaluation day.  That day is known in the NESLL world as “assessments.” American, National, and Majors level coaches observe players at evaluation day, then “draft” them onto teams in their appropriate divisions. The draft is intended to promote competitive balance between teams.  Only coaches know the order in which players are drafted: per little league rules, NESLL is not permitted to disclose this information to players and/or parents/guardians.

All nine (9) year olds are assessed to be in the American League.  

All ten (10) and eleven (11) year olds are assessed to be in the National League.

All twelve (12) year olds are assessed to be in the Majors League.

There are always some exceptions to these standards.  NESLL does take a limited number of eight (8) year olds in to the American League.  If your seven (7) year old played in Farm 2 last season, it would be advisable to contact the Registrar and inquire about having them signing up and assessing with the American league.

If your eight (8) year old played in American last season, it would be advisable to contact the Registrar and inquire about having them signing up and assessing with the National League.

All ten (10) and eleven (11) year olds will register as Nationals.  A good number of eleven (11) will be drafted in to the Majors (12).  ALL 12's will make a Majors team.  That's normally around 7-8 twelve's (12) per team.  The remainder of the roster is filled with the best of the eleven (11) year old kids.

All eleven's (11) will be considered for a possible placement on a Majors team UNLESS requested not to do so by a parent.

By very special request of all the Major Coaches, it is possible for a ten (10) year old to assess and make a Majors team.  That's normally not the case for most of the tens (10) and the parents would be notified by NESLL in advance of the assessments.  



Softball players also participate in assessments.  And like Majors baseball, assessments are a “must” for softball players ages 11-12.  Players who do not participate in assessments are not eligible for the Majors softball draft. 


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